Catholic Christian doula gives mother drink of water while mother holds newborn baby in Fort Wayne Indiana

Birth work is an incredible calling.

As a certified birth doula, my passion is supporting families through pregnancy, labor/birth, and the early postpartum period. Everyone deserves to feel supported and uplifted on the day they welcome a child into the world. Birth work is an incredible calling, and it is my honor to come alongside moms during these transformative moments.

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Catholic Christian certified birth doula Laura Kiefer with husband and three children at home in Fort Wayne Indiana

A passion for birth was awakened in me after experiencing the power and transcendence of birth for myself.

I realized that education and support made birth a peaceful and empowering experience, and felt called to provide compassionate care to mothers through their unique experiences of birth. I have walked alongside many families during this incredible journey, learning from each of them and growing with each new experience.

For me, doula support isn’t about telling my clients the “right” way to birth, because there is no one right way. Rather, my goal is to provide evidence-based information and help clients uncover their own values and desires, and support those wholehearted. As a Catholic Christian, I view birth as a sacred experience. I support families of all faiths and belief systems. No matter how birth unfolds, my role is to serve and to foster an atmosphere of joy.

My husband and I have three beautiful and boisterous children, and when not caring for expecting families you can find me romping through the woods with them, enjoying a cup of coffee, or getting lost in a good book.



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My Certifications, Trainings, & Continuing Education

Certified Birth Doula, Childbirth International

Spinning Babies Training

Preventing Trauma in the Birth Room via Dancy Perinatal Counseling

Trauma-Informed Training for Doulas via Beyond Birth Services

Core Breastfeeding Education, taught by Sarah Wall, IBCLC

Evidence Based Birth ARRIVE Trial seminar